What is Coronavirus here to teach us?
To be honest Coronavirus has only just come in to my radar in the last week or so. I prefer not to watch the news. I prefer to avoid all the negativity and fear that filters through. Yes some might say I live in an ignorant bubble but I believe allowing unnecessary negativity into my consciousness lowers my vibration and raises fear.
So what about Coronavirus?
It’s managed to weasel it’s way in - hard to avoid it now that’s so present in social media. I tried to buy a mask yesterday, at our local hardware store, for a sanding job that I’m having done and they were completely sold out due to people stocking up…just in case! Is this sensible or is it raising the vibration of fear? I tend to think the later. If the collective energy is fear based then what do you think we’ll manifest??
So…instead of buying into the fear I’d rather sit with the enquiry around what this virus is here to teach me.
These are a few of the things coming up.
The first one is SLOW DOWN. Slow down enough to deepen into listening. Listen to my higher self. Listen to nature. And listen to spirit. Slow down enough that I won’t put my immune system at risk. Slow down enough to recognise my boundaries and put them in place so that I’m not overriding my ‘no’.
NOURISH myself. Nourish myself with nutrient dense and high vibration food. Nourish my immune system with immune supporting plants and vitamin C. (Did you know Olive Leaf is a powerful immune support?) Nourish myself with the sleep my body needs to perform at it’s best.
Tend to my GARDEN. Both my internal garden and the one in my yard. What, inside of me, do I need to let die? What is NOT serving me at this time? Is it fear? Is it greed? Is it judgement of others? Is it lack of compassion? What can I plant here instead? Will my garden feed me? Am I nourishing my soil enough to grow what I need? Am I giving more to our earth than I am taking? What is coming up that is not love? Can I recognise this is where I need to heal and do the work?
Am I following my STRATEGY AND AUTHORITY? Those of you that know me will know that I do my best to live the HUMAN DESIGN experiment. Knowing my strategy and authority and following it keeps me on track. Supports my physical and emotional health. If you want to know more about this please get in touch and I can point you in the right direction.
BALANCE! Do I have enough joy and laughter in my life? Is my life in balance or do I take things too seriously? Do I know when to be grounded and present enough to know what to take seriously?
I choose to learn from this in a positive way. I choose NOT to be a victim of the virus and the fear that is growing.
I absolutely do not wish to support fear, but if you wish to purchase an Immune Supporting Remedy as an act of self love, self care and nourishment that you want to integrate into your life then get in touch with me. Not currently on my website - but message me directly and I’ll hook you up.
Another opportunity to look for the gold and create ALCHEMY in life.
What are YOU learning from Coronavirus?