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What is the Journey of Waking up?
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What is the Journey of Waking up?

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I’ve been feeling the bubble I live in lately. A bubble I refer to as the Conscious Community. And then there’s the bubble inside that bubble - The Conscious Sexuality or Tantra Community. International Communities of like minded people all over the world. People I feel safe with. People that are my soul tribe. People that know what it means to be present. People that are on a journey of personal growth - whatever that may look like for the individual. A striving to live life in totality. A connection of mind, body and spirit.
As with many others my journey started with Eckhart Tolle. ‘The Power of Now' - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and ‘A New Earth’ - Awakening to your Life’s purpose. Eckhart teaches of ‘living in the now’, dissolving the ‘pain body’, the impact of the mind over the body, Consciousness - ‘The Way out of Pain’ and so much more which supports ‘Waking up’.
It saddens me to see how many of us live as dulled down versions of ourselves. Stuck in old paradigm behaviours. Allowing ourselves to be exposed to the phenomenal amounts of negativity in the world. Daily habits (addictions) of watching the news, reading the newspaper, watching TV, listening to the radio, feeding ourselves with negativity on social media. All of these things lower our vibrations. Not to mention the more commonly recognised addictions - alchohol, drugs, food, porn, ejaculation (yes ejaculation) and the list goes on. Anything we use to avoid ourselves. Anything we use to fill in the space to avoid feeling, to avoid being present with what is.
Do you know that where your mind goes energy flows? The more we focus on the devastation in the world - the more the devastation grows. The more we focus on our pain body, the victim, the poor me - the stronger it becomes. The more we focus on the people in our lives that we derive our pain from - the more present they become. The more we see ourselves as weak or disempowered - the less we become.
So how do we raise our vibrations?
Let go of EVERYTHING that is dulling us down.
FEEL - no matter how hard it is.
Have GRATITIDE and focus on it.
Have an OBSERVER, a witness within. A part of self that watches with conscious awareness. Awareness is the first step.
There’s always something to learn. Are you focusing on how someone has done you wrong or are you focusing on what you could learn from them or the situation?
Are you connected to your authentic yes and no? Are you able to communicate “no” when you need to? Do you know where your boundaries lie? Are you able to communicate them or are you constantly overriding yourself?
Do you practice embodiment exercises or are you stuck in your head? Do you honour the god/goodess, both within yourself and your brother or sister or are you stuck in old paradigm chauvinistic ideas and behaviours.
Do you treat your body as the temple it is, conscious of what you allow in or are you mindlessly eating foods to the detriment of your health, taking drugs, drinking alcohol or having sex when your body is a ‘no’?
Do you gossip and collude? Or are you trustworthy and loyal?
Gone are the days of putting others before ourselves. Now is the time to put ourselves first. Love ourselves enough to create an overflowing well. A well bountiful enough to share with others. A well that is full of love instead of resentment and bitterness of the old paradigm. It is a time of self love, self care, knowing our needs and taking care of them.
Gone are the days of chauvinism. Gone are the days of men putting women down to make themselves feel big. The feminine are rising and asking our brothers to meet us. Gone are the days of children being seen and not heard. Now is the time to learn to say ‘NO’. Now is the time to heal the inner child. To allow the inner child to grow. To move from the immature to the mature. To focus on the positive. To keep LOVE in the middle. To connect to your higher self.
It is time to wake up.
The journey of waking up is not an easy one. It is often a journey through pain. A journey that not everyone is ready for. It is one for the courageous, the curious and the dedicated. As we start to peel back the layers and take off the masks this is where we connect to our authentic selves. This is where we stand in our mana and connect to our power. This is where life becomes whole and our soul purpose becomes clear.
This is what I call living.
There are so many amazing people working in this field. Supporting others to wake up, to feel and to heal. Notice who or what YOU are drawn to and reach out.
If you are reading this you are ready.
Maybe you are drawn to work with me.